GASM Upcoming Demo + Leaked Singles

1 min read

GASM is a hardcore rock band formed in 2019. The trio is currently working hard on their demo album, which Goldmine Records will release this year. They suggest it will be finished by the middle to the end of 2021. Nothing is yet definite. On the other hand, they have leaked two singles of their demo.

The blood-curdling rock trio specializes in die-hard crust/hardcore music. They started as a duo act, adding the beyond comparable Eka nearly a year later. He plays a mean bass as well as fills vocal positions.

GASM recently leaked singles “Suffocating” and “Persetan.” They are now available on Bandcamp; on the 23rd, the songs will be re-released to all platforms. The pieces are bassy and quite dirty, with lyrics being growled or screamed.

“As a leak of the Demo Album which we will release soon, we would like to share our worries and voice protests in this song because this situation seems to be the right time to make people care for each other and talk to stop oppress others,” they told me.

“If there is strife in politics and the policies of our government as a society are often ignored, maybe not in our country anywhere it will be the same. Maybe we think that voicing it with music is a good idea, violence against other people and bullying should stop, spread our song in protest don’t stop at you, share it again like a shot that never stops shooting continuously!”

Any metalheads can check them out here.

Adiah Michelle

Everything literature and art.

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